Monday 20 April 2009

World Rookie Fest Finals

sooooo the finals day didnt go so good for me and i couldnt land my runs so it sucked :(. the day started off super icy and i didnt really wna spin but i did but i just could not land anything i sucked haha anyway was a super fun trip in the end with tom hunt and his dad so gota say thanks to them for taking me:)

check out the park it was sick.

Thursday 16 April 2009

Mayrhofen from Mark Raper on Vimeo.



finallly got on internet haha

mayrhofen was sik for last 2 days sunny and slusy the kickers were fun i got some shots too.

now i am in ischgl for the world rookie fest finals training was today but it got stopped half way through casue it was too windy which sucked. tomorrow the weather is ment to suck too so i duno whats gonna happen.


Sunday 12 April 2009



got to mayrhofen yesturday with tom hunt and his dad dave. what can i say it is sick. we rode the kickers today they are sooo sick tom hunt is killing it doing some front 7s on the 20m or w.e it is. its sik haha

I took a bail getting somem nice ice burns haha

ill give some more updates later



Thursday 9 April 2009


So ive been home now for a few days chilling the wheathers been good until now when its raining soooo much haha. Im gonna go ride at cas tonite with everyone for like the first time in 3 weeks ahah then tomorro im heading out to ISCHGL in austria for the world rookie fest with tom hunt and his dad so that should be fun.


Sunday 5 April 2009


The brits are finished it was a super fun week now i am sooo tired though and looking forward to home. the week was good i got 3rd in my age group in big air but didnt do soo good in the other comps haha.

the wheathers super hot ow and the snow is slushy but i go home tomorrow oh well.
